//Cloud notes from my desk -Maheshk

"Fortunate are those who take the first steps.” ― Paulo Coelho

Email in runtime…

Today i had a situation where i have to send mails to all branch managers in my office when i want to circulate something programmtical thru web.
The webpage should be generated a HTML report page and that report page should automatically mailed to all the TO address list.

Here is the code for sending mail in ASP.NET. Very simple and pretty cool to use it.

‘ Imports System.Web.Mail

Dim m As New MailMessage()
m.From = "maheshkumar@mydomain.com"
m.To = "cyberiafreak@cyberiafreak.soft.net"
m.Subject = "Steal ur soul…"
m.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text
m.Body = "This is called EMail Phising….Great Hackooo.."
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "localhost"

Tried locally, but not yet integrated with CLINK project.

2005-04-04 - Posted by | ASP.NET >>

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